Friday, May 20, 2011

SWEET Saturday ♥

{{Lemon Meringue Cupcakes}}

Vanilla Cupcakes 
Lemon Filling & Meringue Frosting


1 1/2 cup cake flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 stick of butter (at room temperature)
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup of milk

MIX flour, baking powder, & salt.
BEAT in butter, gradually.
BEAT in sugar & mix, throughly.
BEAT in eggs, then vanilla & milk.
{{beat in until all mixed}}
POUR into lined cupcake pan.
BAKE at 400 for 20 minutes.
{{OR until toothpick comes out clean}}

1 egg & 1 yolk
juice of 1 lemon
1/2 stick of butter
1/2 cup of sugar

BEAT egg & yolk {{in bowl (metal) set in simmering water}}
BEAT in lemon, butter & sugar.
STIR over medium heat {{until the mixture is consistency of pudding}}

5 T water
1/4 tsp cream tartar
1 1/3 cup of sugar
2 egg whites
1 T of light corn syrup
1 tsp of vanilla

BEAT together:
water, cream tartar, sugar, egg whites, & syrup 
at a low speed in bowl (metal) set in simmering water
When Mixture reaches 140 degrees, beat on high for 5 minutes.
REMOVE from heat and add vanilla
BEAT for 3 minutes

{{recipe found at MING MAKES CUPCAKES #23}}

with LOVE,

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cooking with Your Child(ren)

 I have a new 'Blog Crush'!
(Sorry Kiss the Groom, I think I’m over you.
Or ok, just cheating)

They Draw and Cook
is a site that
publishes recipe renderings submitted by artists & illustrators from all over the world,
and pretty much every entry looks fantastic!
I mean really mixxing… Food and Art… GENIUS!
what’s not to love?
It’s a site to sate the soul & the stomach!
  Now if only they’d publish a book!
(Oh wait… they have!)

Here are a few of the fabulicious recipes you can find there:

{{French Toast}}

{{Onion Quiche}}

{{Pasta Parma}}

{{Figs Fondue}}

{{Cookie Dough Cupcakes}}


aren't these perfect recipes for cooking in the kitchen with your little one?
{{OR little ones}}

Wordless Wednesday {{my second "baby"}}


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SHOES-day Tuesday ♥

{{Badgley Mischka}}

Chaz T-strap Sandal

available here at

I just LOVE the pink tulle rosettes!
I do not love the price... but a girl can dream, right?

with LOVE,

Monday, May 16, 2011

it's just another...

I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday!

This week on {{CB}}:
there will be posts about...
recipes, party decor ideas, diy projects, & SHOES too!
 just part of our commitment on trying to help Mommy's to nothave any
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays too!

 with LOVE,

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday Purseday ♥

Hot Pink Mini Pop

I personally LOVE Lanvin, 
I am a fan of big purses, especially being a Momma now-
it just makes it easier to be able to have room for wipes, a sippy cup, 
 and diapers along with all of my stuff too!

SO while this purse is adorable, it's a bit too small for my liking-
I do however, think it would be PERFECT for my Prissy Pants!
She is OBSESSED with purses- and how cute would this be?
NOW, if only I could find a cute knock off!
{{if I do, I post up my finding!}}



Weekly {{Themed}} Posts

Here's a "Schedule" of the weekly posts I'll be doing...

'Manic Monday'

post on everything ahead for the week, along with some of my 'favorite finds' too!

'SHOES-day Tuesday'

post on a pair of fabulous shoes!
{{mostly will be shoes for us Ladies, but every once in a while I'll do some for the girls too!}}

'Wordless Wednesday'

post of a picture... 
with no words, hence the "wordless" part! :)

'Thursday Purse-day'

post of a purse!

'FASHION Friday'

post of any & everything to do with FASHION!

'Sweet Saturday'

 post on some delicious sweet recipes!

there will be NO posts on Sunday's

With all of these "scheduled" posts, I'll also be doing normal posts as well too!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chic Baby ...

the BLOG!

that's right, we've joined the 'Blog World'!

the reason behind... Chic Baby {the blog}...

We here at {{CB}} have started a blog
in order to have a place for all of our loyal customers
to come to and stay updated on...

New Arrival's, Contests, and Events!

We will post things up here first, giving you exclusives
on any deals, contests, new arrivals, & events!

it's a little 'Thank You' from us!


I also want this blog to be a place for fun posts too!

I want this to be a blog designed to be a place where Moms can come to
to get a laugh, a good new recipe, decor ideas, party decor ideas,
deals, or to just get a piece of your sanity back!  ha :)

WELCOME to the Blog!


with Love,